AliasSmith at ProWein 2022
AliasSmith will be present at one of the most important marketplaces for wines, spirits, and craft drinks in the world ProWein, hand by hand with two of its closest allies.
Spring comes with meetings and business opportunities for the industry. After approximately two years in which the world paused many of its face-to-face activities, we meet again, explore brands and markets, and shake hands at ProWein, Düsseldorf.
From May 15 to 17 AliasSmith will be in the Fair at Hall 7 / C15 with the world renowned Mexican entrepreneurs, Casa Lumbre, which stands behind some of the most successful brands that have come from Mexico in the last 10 years. Also, with the high-quality beverages of Brands for Fans supported by rock legends such as KISS, Motörhead, and Def Leppard. Besides the AliasSmith portfolio, including the launch of the first Tequila delivered in a cardboard bottle made from 94% recycled paper: Buen Vato.
Prowein has more than 25 years, 90,000 visitors worldwide and 5,500 exhibitors showcase from around 300 growing regions in 60 countries. Without a doubt, it will be, like in previous versions, an important event and trading center for the industry.
For questions and more information, please contact:
AliasSmith AB, Omar Corona González +46 8309855, omar@aliassmith.se